【Chris 文法核心補帖】超有效內化文法的方式 1



而內化文法的第一招就是在練習時「刻意觀察」 ,對特定文法有意識並不斷修正調整,就慢慢將其內化產生語感。

而所謂語感就是,當你看到 I am student. 這個句子,會有個直覺就是哪裡怪怪的,而不是回想名詞可數與否的文法規則或你寫在筆記上的內容,才意識到少加了一個冠詞 a,聽起來兩者結果或許都一樣能夠修正,將其調整成符合文法規則的句子:I am a student. 但在輸出部分(說跟寫)特別是口說,更需要這種對的瞬間反應,過多的思考時間,就會讓你的表達聽起來很卡不流暢。





International Day of Friendship (國際友誼日)

The importance of friends

Friends come in all shapes and sizes. They may be someone we met as a child, a classmate, someone we met at work or through other friends. They may be friends living at a distance in another country or virtual friends we've made online. Whoever they are, however we meet them, there is a special connection based on a shared history enjoying doing things together and understanding each other. Friends are there to help us at difficult times and to celebrate the good times. Doctors say that friends are very important for both our physical and mental health at all stages in life. 

文章取自:International Day of Friendship


Friends come in all shapes and sizes. They may be someone we met as a child, a classmate, someone we met at work or through other friends. They may be friends living at a distance in another country or virtual friends we've made online. Whoever they are, however we meet them, there is a special connection based on a shared history enjoying doing things together and understanding each other. Friends are there to help us at difficult times and to celebrate the good times. Doctors say that friends are very important for both our physical and mental health at all stages in life

再用同樣的方式,標註另外 3-5 篇文章,增加一定的語料量。

反覆有意識地去觀察並思考標記的理由,像是為什麼這邊加 the?可能是指前面提過的特定名詞或代表一個你我都知道的對象,為什麼這邊是加 s?可能是因為不止一個或泛指某類名詞,最後更進階一點還可以抄寫。


歡迎把這篇文章傳給你身邊正在學英文的朋友們,下一集要教大家超有效內化文法的方式 2,我們就下次見啦!


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