【看CNN學英文】看加州大地震說「I’m on the edge of my seat!」是什麼意思?別被字面上的意思困住囉

大家都看過加州大地震(San Andreas)這部電影了嗎?
你看得正精彩時,朋友卻說「I’m on the edge of my seat.」

CNN edge feature 1

先來看看這個片段吧 (放心,無劇透!)
June 4, 2015 – CNN Student News with subtitle
CNN edge video 2


on the edge of one’s seat

1. 劇情太精彩,忍不住整個人往前坐,更專心地看
2. 太可怕刺激,嚇到快跌出椅子外
3. 太興奮或緊張,導致坐不住,只好往前坐


以上這幾種情況都可以用 on the edge of one’s seat 來形容,總而言之,就是戲劇、表演非常引人入勝,深深地抓住你。若要翻成中文,需要根據前後文來翻譯會比較好哦。

The movie, San Andreas, had me on the edge of my seat.
We were on the edge of our seats during the entire play.

補充跟 edge 有關的常見單字

cutting edge (n.) 尖端
cutting-edge (adj.) 前衛的

Such dressing style is on the cutting edge of trends.
With the cutting-edge technology, the company is able to make money.

edgy (adj.) 銳利的;緊張不安的
I was edgy while waiting for the result.

on edge (phr.) 緊張不安的
I’m on edge man, stop upsetting me!

The real Google interns’ first week
CNN edge cutting edge



它除了當名詞為「錯誤」、「缺點」、「過失」、「斷層」之外,今天的CNN片段裡還把 fault 當動詞用,為「挑……的毛病」的意思,通常用於否定或疑問句

fault (V.) 挑…..的毛病;責怪、批評
I can’t fault this movie. (我找不出這部電影的缺點)
The reader faulted the book for inaccuracies. (那位讀者批評那本書不精確)

pick on sb  找某人的碴
He likes to pick on me.

來看看更多 pick on 的用法,你小時候也常被欺負嗎?
如果時光倒回,你會如何回應那時的霸凌? (Men Respond To Their Childhood Bullies)
CNN edge pick on


fall through the cracks

亦作 slip through the cracks,字面上的意思是「穿越 (滑落) 縫隙」,引申為「被遺忘、忘記、不被注意」。

The piece of news soon fell through the cracks.
There are certain kids who fall through the cracks in class.


大家知道 熊麻吉2 要上映了嗎?
【熊麻吉 2】Ted又回來啦!這次他竟然要… (Ted 2 – Official Trailer)CNN edge Ted2

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文/ Wendy Chiang
圖片來源/ Warner Bros (from San Andreas Official Trailer)
●作者簡介 VoiceTube看影片學英語