



1. 首先,第一大類就是還沒走入正式關係中的措辭

unrequited love  單戀

blind date 不認識的兩個人經由第三者或網路牽線的第一次約會


have a crush on  被煞到

have a thing for (someone)  對(某人)有好感

have a thing going with (someone) 和(某人)拍拖中

head over heels in love with (someone) 對某人神昏顛倒

hit it off (with someone) 第一眼就被煞到

hung up on (someone) 為某人心神不寧

love at first sight 一見鍾情

make eyes at (someone) 跟某人調情

 2. 第二大類當然就是甜~蜜~蜜囉!有些人就從此走入婚姻呢!

fall for (someone) 愛上(某人)

steady relationship 穩定交往

playing the field 玩玩而已 (ㄜ玩玩還是甜蜜蜜阿)

get serious (with someone) 認真的(交往)

a match made in heaven /  made for each other  天造地設的一對

one’s one and only 唯一的愛

settle down 定下來

steal (someone’s) heart 偷走某人的心(使對方神魂顛倒)

those three little words 我愛你(I love you)

whisper sweet nothings in (someone’s) ear 耳邊呢喃情話

take one’s vows 在誓言下互許終身

pop the question 求婚

get engaged 訂婚

get hitched / tie the knot / walk down the aisle together 結婚

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3. 人跟人相處難免會有摩擦的時候,是分?是合?

gets on my nerve (all the time) 使我抓狂

rub someone up the wrong way 惹惱某人

get back together 復合

give (someone or something) a second chance  給第二次機會

kiss and make up 重修舊好

on the rocks 關係觸礁

patch up a relationship 修補關係


4. 再來是人人都不想碰觸的,分、手

break up with (someone) / split up 分手

walk out on (someone) 離開某人

I got dumped 我被甩了(被動加 got)

I dumped her 我甩了她(主動)

leave (someone) at the altar 臨時逃婚

cheat on (someone) / cheating / two-timing 劈腿

cut (one’s) ties 一刀兩斷

having an affair 婚外情

seeing someone on the side 背地裡偷吃




5. 朋友分手要怎麼安慰他/她呢?

Calm down / Cheer up 冷靜下來/快好起來

Deal with it / Get over it 處理它/度過它

Plenty more fish in the sea. 天涯何處無芳草,何必單戀一朵花

Time heals all wounds  時間能治愈一切

Every cloud has a silver lining  再黑暗的時候也有一線光明/否極泰來

I know. I can understand your feelings; I feel the same way 我能體會你的感受;我感同身受


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Source: love and relationship idioms

photo source: 1. Flickr 2. Flickr 3. Alston Wang

作者:Sunny Hsu