來自 1950 年代的錢包?
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【CNN10】武漢肺炎經濟影響、東非蝗蟲過境、時光膠囊 (The Economic Toll Of The Wuhan Coronavirus | February 18, 2020)
武漢肺炎持續肆虐全球,在中國境內已有 7.8 億人遭到中國政府旅遊管控。本該熱鬧滾滾的春節假期,為何北京街上卻一片荒涼?
東非遭受這 25 年來最嚴重的一次蝗災,聯合國緊急呼籲各國捐款救助,究竟是什麼原因導致沙漠飛蝗大量繁殖、侵襲?
中學一名校工撿到一個來自 1950 年代的錢包,裡頭的物品揭開了七十年前的生活。
VoiceTube 帶你一起了解這次的 CNN 新聞焦點。
put sth. in place (phr.) 將某事安置妥當
put sth. in place 為片語,意思是「將某事安置妥當」,put in practice 則是指「實施,實行」。另外,若說 put sb. in their place 則是指「挫挫某人銳氣」的意思。
We have put a strong defensive system in place, so we should be able to repel any attacks.
我們已經設置了強力的防禦系統,所以應該可以抵禦任何攻擊。The government has had to put quarantines in place to stop the continued spread of the virus.
the UN (n.) 聯合國
UN 為縮寫,全寫是 United Nations,意思是「聯合國」。聯合國底下還有無數個組織,其他幾個國際重要組織如世界貿易組織 (WTO) 與世界衛生組織 (WHO) 。
The UN has made an appeal for donations following a severe earthquake in Japan.
日本發生強震後,聯合國呼籲各國捐款。The United Nations currently has 193 member states.
聯合國目前有 193 個會員國。
desolate (adj.) 荒蕪的,無人煙的
desolate 在此部影片裡作形容詞使用,但這個字其實也可作動詞使用,有「使荒蕪;使孤寂」的意思。另一個長相相似的字 isolate,則有「孤立,隔離」之意。
There are no houses for miles around in this desolate desert.
在這座荒蕪的島上,幾英里之內都看不到房子。The desolate island is unable to support human life.
epidemic (n.) (疫情的) 流行;傳播 (adj.) 流行的,傳染的
此字常是指疫情的「流行」,但它也可以用來指稱時尚、風潮等的「流行」。在談論疫情時也常會提到另一個字 pandemic,也有「流行病」之意,當形容詞則可指某個疾病是「全國流行的」。
The Wuhan coronavirus epidemic has made people afraid to go out.
武漢肺炎病毒的流行讓人們不敢出門。There hasn’t been a single epidemic in our village for over twenty years.
slump (n./v.) 下跌;衰落
slump 這個字可以用來表達物價的下跌、經濟等的衰落,甚至是健康等的下降都可以。
Sales across all departments have slumped badly this month.
這個月所有部門的銷售額都銳減。Demand for face masks has slumped as the epidemic has been brought under control.
video chat (v.) 視訊聊天
video 為「錄影,影片」的意思,chat 則表示「聊天」,兩個字結合變成為 video chat 「視訊聊天」。另外,live video chat 則是指「視訊直播」。
My sister and I have a close bond. We video chat with each other almost every day.
我姐和我感情很好,我們幾乎每天都會視訊聊天。My boyfriend and I are in a long-distance relationship, so we video chat every night.
live off sb./sth. (phr.) 依靠…生活
live off sb. 指的是「依靠某人生活」,而 live off sth. 便是指「依靠某物生活」。另外 live on sth. 有「依靠…維生」之意,然而這個片語通常用來指「錢或食物」。
Joan never showed any interest in finding a job, preferring instead to live off her father’s money.
Joan 對找工作沒興趣,她寧願這輩子都靠著爸爸生活。As a farmer, Ross learned how to live off the land.
作為農夫,Ross 學會了如何靠土地吃飯。
migrant worker (n.) 移工
migrant 為形容詞,意思是「移居的,流浪的」,而 migrant worker 則是指那些到國內其他區域或國外尋找工作的「移工」。
The factory hired many illegal migrant workers from China.
該工廠雇用了許多來自中國的非法移工。As more and more migrant workers settle in Taiwan, the government will have to start thinking about how to integrate them and their children.
locust (n.) 蝗蟲
這個字指的是「蝗蟲」,不要和 grasshopper (蚱蜢) 或 cricket (蟋蟀) 給搞混了。而 locust plague 指的便是近期肆虐東非的「蝗災」。
The locust plague is causing misery for millions across East Africa.
這蝗災讓東非數百萬人苦不堪言。Fried locusts are a delicacy in many African countries.
pest (n.) 害蟲
此字的意思是「害蟲,有害的植物」,若用在口語也可指「討厭的人,害人精」。另外 pesticide 則是指「殺蟲劑」,由 pest (害蟲) + -cide (殺;去除) 組合而成。
I don’t like cockroaches. They are evil little pests!
我討厭蟑螂,牠們是邪惡害蟲!One disadvantage of using organic farming is the need to find non-chemical alternatives for pest control.
acute (adj.) 嚴重的
acute /əˈkjut/ 這個字有許多意思,在新聞英文裡常當作「嚴重的」使用,另外還有「尖銳的,劇烈的,高音的」的意思,在醫學方面也有「急性的」之意。
Poverty has been the source of many of the village’s acute difficulties.
貧窮已經在這個村莊造成了一些嚴重的問題。Acute air pollution is a serious problem. It is already causing health problems among some of the population.
famine (n.) 飢荒
famine /ˈfæmən/ 的意思是「飢荒,飢餓」,其他一些常見的天災還有 flood (水災)、landslide (山崩)、wildfire (野火)。
The current locust plague is threatening to cause famine in East Africa.
蝗災在東非造成了飢荒。The three-year war saw many refugees die due to famine.
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文/ Mackenzie Wang
審/ Eunice Lin
圖/ Pixabay
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