昨天 Bella 邀請 Wendy 來看她們的水上芭蕾比賽,隔天兩人便聊起昨天的比賽。
Wendy: You were very impressive at the competition yesterday! Congratulations!
Wendy:昨天的比賽超級精彩!恭喜你們!Bella: Thanks for coming to cheer us on!
Bella:謝謝妳來幫我們加油!Wendy: You made dancing in the water like that look effortless. How did you get so good?
Wendy:妳怎麼能在水中豪不費力地跳舞?怎麼辦到的?Bella: I’ve been doing synchronized swimming for over 10 years. When I first started out it was very hard to keep time with the music and I would swallow a lot of water.
Bella:我已經學了十年的水上芭蕾了,剛開始學的時候很難跟上音樂的節奏,還很容易喝進很多水。Wendy: It was amazing when you stood on your teammates’ shoulders and jumped out of the water!
Wendy:當我看到妳站在隊友的肩膀上躍出水面時,我整個覺得很驚豔。Bella: I’m the smallest in our team, so I’m the flyer. Flyers normally have a background in gymnastics and have to execute complex moves on top of the formation.
Bella:我是我們之中體型最小的,所以我要負責躍出水面。像我們通常都需要有體操背景,而且要執行比較複雜困難的動作。Wendy: That must need a lot of strength! So do your teammates push off of the bottom of the pool to propel you into the air?
Wendy:這一定很費力!妳的隊友是蹬地把妳推上去的嗎?Bella: No, it’s against the rules to the touch the bottom of the pool during each routine. This means that mastering skills like sculling and the eggbeater kick is essential.
synchronized swimming (n.) 水上芭蕾
synchronized 的意思是「同步的;同時發生的」,因為水上芭蕾揉合了芭蕾、游泳、和體操,所以就稱為 synchronized swimming,也有人稱之為 artistic swimming 或 water ballet。
Synchronized swimming is a physically demanding sport.
choke on sth. (phr.) 被…嗆到
choke 的意思是「窒息;噎到;呼吸困難」,後面會加上介系詞 on,表示「被…嗆到、噎到」。要特別注意 choke 這個動詞不用被動語態來表達,而是直接說 sb. choke on sth.。
Babies can choke on small toys.
flyer (n.) 躍出水面的人
flyer 常見的意思是「傳單」,在水上芭蕾是指「躍出水面的人」,要做出抬舉的動作時,隊伍就會分為三組人,包括最上面的 flyer、組成架構的 base swimmer、以及負責將整個架構往上推的 pusher。
The flyer was launched out of the water by her teammates and executed a flawless backflip.
sculling (n.) 用手划水 / eggbeater kick (n.) 打蛋式踩水
動詞 scull 本來是「用雙槳划」的意思,在水上芭蕾是指「用手划水」,讓身體保持不動或前進、後退。eggbeater kick 則是水上芭蕾的基本動作——打蛋式踩水,顧名思義就是雙腳要像打蛋器一樣向內畫圓打水,讓腳不要接觸池底。
Sculling and the eggbeater kick are basic moves for synchronized swimmers.
接著 Bella 和 Wendy 聊起了其他水上運動。
Bella: I also love snorkeling, diving, and surfing. Do you like water sports?
Bella:我也喜歡浮潛、跳水和衝浪。妳喜歡水上運動嗎?Wendy: No, I’d sink like a stone if I tried swimming.
Wendy:不,我是旱鴨子,但我喜歡玩水Bella: That’s alright! You can try water aerobics or snorkeling if you’re not a confident swimmer.
Bella:我覺得妳可以試試水中有氧或浮潛,即使妳不會游泳也可以享受這些運動。Wendy: Really? I’m worried I might drown?
Wendy:真的嗎?我很怕溺死!Bella: Don’t worry! Before snorkeling, you’ll get a snorkel vest, snorkel, and snorkel mask.
Bella:別擔心!在浮潛之前,妳會穿上浮潛背心、呼吸管和面鏡。Wendy: That’s a relief! I should sign up for the summer snorkeling camp then!
Wendy:謝天謝地!那我就可以報名參加浮潛夏令營了!Bella: That’s great! There’s a whole world of beautiful marine fauna out there for you to discover!
Bella:太好了!美麗的海洋世界正等著妳去挖掘!Wendy: I can’t wait to see the colorful coral reefs and clown fish!
snorkeling (n.) 浮潛
snorkeling 是較適合大眾的「浮潛」,名詞 snorkel 是指潛水用的「呼吸管」,要說「去浮潛」則會說 go snorkeling。另一種「水肺潛水」是 scuba diving,需要背著氣瓶下水,可以潛到比較深的海域。
She went snorkeling in Jellyfish Lake in Palau.
diving (n.) 跳水
diving 的意思是「跳水」,它的動詞是 dive,意為「跳水;潛入水中」。此外 diving 還能夠用來指任何由上往下俯衝的動作,包括上面提到的 scuba diving (水肺潛水),以及 free diving (自由潛水)、skydiving (跳傘)。
Diving at the Olympics uses both a high diving platform and springboards.
sink like a stone (phr.) 旱鴨子
石頭掉進水中只會向下沉,所以片語 swim like a stone 就是用來指「不會游泳的人;旱鴨子」。
No wonder he is afraid of water. Last time he went out in the lake he sunk like a stone and nearly drowned.
water aerobics (n.) 水中有氧
aerobic 是「有氧的」,aerobics 是名詞,指「有氧運動」,包括跑步、飛輪、瑜珈等。water aerobics 則是「水中有氧」,其實就跟有氧運動是一樣的概念,只是把地點換成游泳池,水中的阻力能夠幫助增強肌力及耐力。
Water aerobics can be enjoyed by people of all ages.
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文/ Vivian Chen
審/ Eunice Lin
圖/ Pexels
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