排球為什麼會叫做 volleyball?
volley 是什麼意思?
跟著小 V 一探究竟!
排球的英文叫做 volleyball,拆開來就會是 volley 和 ball 兩個字,那 volley 是什麼呢?在體育界,它指的其實是「凌空擊球」,即是在空中將球擊回的意思,而排球正是一種在空中將球反復來回擊打的球類運動,因而得名 volleyball。
而今天 Sofia 邀請了 Bob 去看一場她朋友的排球比賽,現在比賽正要開始!
Bob: Which team are your friends on again?
Sofia: The blues. They’re about to flip a coin to see who serves first.
Sofia:藍隊。他們在擲錢幣看誰先發球。Bob: Looks like your friends won the toss.
Bob:看來你朋友們會先發球。Sofia: Nice! Go, blue team!!! (cheering)
Sofia:好極了!上啊,藍隊!!(歡呼)Bob: Wow, that player in the attack zone is really tall.
Sofia: Yes, that’s Susan. My friend said she’s the team’s linchpin.
Sofia:是啊,她是 Susan。我朋友說她是隊上最厲害的一個。
Bob: And what are the rods on top of the ends of the net for?
Sofia: Those are the antennas. They’re used for seeing if a ball is out or not.
flip a coin 擲硬幣
flip 意指「翻轉;翻動」,coin 為「硬幣」,flip a coin 即是指「擲硬幣」,排球比賽一開始時會利用擲硬幣、兩隊選正反面來決定發球的先後順序。
The referee flipped the coin into the air.
補充:flip one’s lid,直翻意思為「翻蓋子」,延伸的意思是「勃然大怒」。
Sammy flipped her lid when she found out his boyfriend had been cheating on her.
Sammy 發現他男友劈腿時勃然大怒。
serve (v.) 發球
serve 在日常生活中,多半指「提供 (食物);服侍;服務」,如:serve meals (提供餐食),但在體育界 serve 的意思是「發球」。
It’s your turn to serve.
attack zone (n.) 進攻區
attack 意指「進攻」,zone 則是「區域;範圍」,attack zone 指的即是「進攻區」,指的是排球中線向兩側各延展三公尺的範圍。
The captain served from inside the attack zone.
linchpin (n.) 關鍵人物
linchpin 為名詞,意思為「關鍵人物;關鍵事物」,也可拼做 lynchpin。
A linchpin is the thing or person that holds something together or is of great importance to something.
“Linchpin” 的意思是是一個東西的核心,或是事情的關鍵。
antenna (n.) 標誌桿
antenna 指的其實是「觸鬚;觸角」,比如螞蟻和天牛的觸角,或是指「天線」。但在排球領域,antenna 指的是「標誌桿」,指的是排球網兩端上頭紅白相間的一根桿子,球要通過兩端桿子標示出的範圍才算是進球。
The ant’s antennas moving as it climbs up the tree.
螞蟻爬上樹,觸鬚動來動去。I fixed the radio’s antenna so we should have better reception now.
我調整了收音機的天線,才能有更好的收訊。There’s one antenna over each end of the net.
Sofia: (yelling) Referee!
Sofia:(大叫) 蠢裁判!
Bob: What happened?
Sofia: That girl with the ponytail on the red team hit the ball twice in a row, and the ref just played on.
Sofia:紅隊綁馬尾的那個女生連續觸及球兩次,但是裁判完全沒發現!Bob: I dunno… looked fair to me.
Sofia: Then you’re an idiot as well.
Sofia:那你也很蠢。Bob: Haha. Sorry, I’m not familiar with the rules of volleyball.
Sofia: Hitting the ball twice in a row is a double contact fault. The ref should have called a violation. Idiot!
Sofia 好激動,不過裁判沒有發現選手犯規也是很誇張!但我們還是先複習單字吧!
referee (n.) 裁判
referee 意指「裁判」,通常是球類運動的裁判,也可以當動詞「擔任裁判」。
Henry is a qualified football referee.
Henry 受訓成為一名足球裁判。Henry referees a football match once a week.
Henry 每週擔任一次足球裁判。
violation (n.) 違規
violation 意指「違規」,和動詞 commit「犯 (罪、錯誤)」合用。
The player was warned for committing a violation.
double contact (n.) 雙擊
double 意指「兩個的;兩次的」,contact 則是名詞「接觸」,double contact 指的即是「兩度接觸」,指的是排球規則中同一人連續兩次擊球的違規。
Double contact faults or “double hits” are illegal in volleyball.
in a row (phr.) 連續地
row 意指「排;列」,in a row 指的是「連續;一連串」。
Tommy ate 12 tarts in a row.
Tommy 一口氣連續吞下 12 個餡餅。
小 V 從前和同學打排球,總是被球打頭的那位。
你呢?你打排球時發生過什麼趣事嗎?在底下留言和小 V 分享吧!
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文/ April Lu
審/ Eunice Lin
圖/ shutterstock
作者簡介/ VoiceTube 看影片學英語
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