久坐等於慢性自殺?Why sitting too much is killing you.

“Some are saying sitting is the new smoking. A little dramatic? Yes. Kind of accurate? Kind of yes.”
from Why Sitting Too Much Can Kill You!

sit in office



Even if you exercise. Sitting 6+ hours per day makes you up to 40% likelier to die within 15 years than someone who sits less than 3 hours. (就算你有運動,每天坐著超過六小時,你將比每天坐著三小時以內的人,有40%更高的機率會在15年內死掉)

這是第一點:premature death,簡單來說,就是可能會死得早

People who sit most of their day are 54% more likely to die from a heart attack. (每天久坐的人,有40%更高的機率會死於心臟病)

People with sitting jobs have twice the rate of cardiovascular disease as people with standing jobs. (坐著工作的人得心血管疾病的機率,是站著工作的人的兩倍)

第二點:heart disease,心血管疾病(cardiovascular disease),另外,得糖尿病(diabetes)、肥胖(obesity)等疾病的比率也會大幅增加



Even an hour of exercise a day isn’t enough to offset the effects of prolonged sitting. (就算每天運動一小時,也無法抵銷長時間久坐的影響)


If you’re 60 and older, every additional hour a day you spend sitting is linked to a 50 percent greater risk of being disabled. (如果你超過六十歲,你每天多坐一小時,都會大大提高你之後行動不便的機率)


為什麼久坐也是種慢性自殺! (Why Sitting Too Much Can Kill You!)

why sitting too much is killing you

久坐的副作用 (Why Sitting is Bad For You? – The Bad Effects of Sitting)

why sitting is bad for you

看了這麼多悲慘的消息,It’s time to make some changes!不用全部丟掉汽車、電腦、電視,也不用急著換工作,試著改變坐姿和生活習慣,stand up if you can!每一個小時就起來動動,做點簡單的伸展,或者,你也可以向這位老兄一樣,站著工作!


antu sit看完文章的此刻,若你正坐著,站起來動一動吧!

Source: Why Sitting is Bad For You? – The Bad Effects of SittingWhy Sitting Too Much Can Kill You!Why Sitting is Killing YouNew Sitting Risk: Disability After 60

Photo source: 1. A few tips on the Posture of your body 2. If you sit at an office, you should watch this video 3.John M, CC Licensed
