今天就一起來看看除了 busy 以外,「忙碌」還能怎麼用英文形容!

be snowed under
我們都曾經歷過那種被待辦事項壓得喘不過氣的感受,整個人彷彿被厚厚的積雪壓住而動彈不得,因此動詞片語 be snowed under 其實就同義於 overwhelmed (負荷大到難以承受的),後面可以搭配介係詞 with 加上使你備感壓力的事物。
I’m afraid I have to turn down your invitation. I’m completely snowed under with several course assignments at this moment.
juggle between
動詞 juggle 原本指的是「雜耍、玩特技」,後來引申成「努力同時應付」多項任務,如同小丑忙著向上拋接好多顆球。後面搭配介係詞 between 連接你忙著應付的事物 (通常是兩種以上)。補充 juggling act 這個單詞,它就是指同時有很多事情待處理的「棘手情況」。
Being a stay-at-home mom is far from easy. They have to juggle between endless house chores, household budgets, and any emergencies their husband or children throw at them.
As an active member of two student societies and the captain of the swimming team, she finds her college life a constant juggling act.
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be tied up
動詞 tie 除了有一般「繫住;綑綁」的意思之外,也可以解釋為一件事情「束縛、限制」某人。因此 be tied up 這個動詞片語就用來描述一個人「忙得不可開交」,被一件事情綁住而「無法抽身」;後面可以搭配 with 或 in 來加上某個事物。
Sarah is tied up in a meeting now. Can I take a message for you?
Sarah 正在開會無法抽身,我幫你記錄留言好嗎?
to have one’s hands full with sth.
這句話字面上的解釋為「手上滿滿的都是東西」,意思也就是「忙到窮於應付」。還有另外兩個意思相同的說法:to have a lot on one’s plate,或是直接說 my plate is full 都是指同時有很多事情要忙。
You already have your hands full with a full-time job and an online diploma course; think twice before you sign up for the volunteering work.
pull an all-nighter
名詞 all-nighter 的意思是「通宵活動」,尤其專指「考試前的通宵溫習」,因此動詞片語 pull an all-nighter 就是描述一個人忙到「熬夜工作」,同義於 sit/stay up late。
The boy completely forgot about his homework until the last day of summer vacation. His mother had no choice but to pull an all-nighter with him.
要考試了超緊張!七個克服考試焦慮的小撇步!(7 Tips To Beat Exam Anxiety)
as busy as a beaver
名詞 beaver 指的是「海狸,河狸」,大家應該都看過生態紀錄片裡牠忙進忙出打造家園的畫面吧!片語 as busy as a beaver 就是指像海狸一樣「忙於工作」,類似的說法還有 as busy as a bee。而在口語上 beaver 也被引申來形容「勤奮工作的人」。
She wanted this promotion so badly that she had been as busy as a beaver for months.
The busiest men have the most leisure.
這句俚語也可以寫成 The busiest men find the most time,兩者都用來描述「勤奮工作的人實際上擁有更多自由」,鼓勵大家有效率地把該做的事情做完,才有空閒從事自己真正想做的事情。
A: He seems to have a perfect balance between his career and family life. How does he manage to do so?
B: Well, people always say that the busiest men have the most leisure.
A: 他似乎在職涯與家庭生活之間取得了完美平衡。到底是怎麼做到的?
B: 也許就像人們所說,「越忙碌的人越有閒」吧!
學完 7 種表達「我很忙」的英文之後,也別忘了在超人般的忙碌生活裡穿插喘息空間,就像羅馬詩人奧維德 (Ovid) 所言:
“Take a rest. A field that has rested yields a beautiful crop.”
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文/ Jessie Huang
圖/ Canva, CC licensed
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