10 個跟愛情有關的單字及句子
1. be attracted to 被…吸引
I think he’s attracted to you.
我們也很常看到 ”be attracted by” 這種用法,但你知道這兩者的差別嗎?
想像一下,有一個正妹從一個男生旁邊走過,這個男生眼睛為之一亮,但還是繼續往前走他自己的路,這時候男生就是 be attracted “by” the woman。
但如果男生不只回頭觀望,還追上前去搭訕,這時他就是 be attracted “to” the woman了,所以 “by” 是指你對某人或某事物有興趣,但理智還在,用 ”to” 就是幾近瘋狂的程度了!
2. love at first sight 一見鍾情
It was love at first sight when they met, but it didn’t last long.
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3. crush 暗戀;迷戀
I have a crush on her for a long time.
4. one-sided love 單戀
I was born again because of your love, but I died of the same reason.
我因你的愛重生,但也因此而死。I love dreaming, because in my dreams, you’re actually mine.
我喜歡作夢,因為只有在夢裡,你才會是我的。Loving someone who doesn’t love you in return is like trying to fly with a broken wing.
(小 V 祝大家都能有情人終成眷屬啊~~~)
5. flirt 調情
Are you flirting with me?
你在跟我調情嗎?Don’t flirt with me.
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6. woo 追求
Some people do everything possible to woo the ladies they like.
7. swoon 神魂顛倒
I’m not going to swoon over you like every other woman who stares at you.
8. have/get butterflies in one’s stomach 緊張
Whenever I have to speak in public, I get butterflies in my stomach.
每當我必須在大眾面前講話時,我就會很緊張。She always has butterflies in her stomach before exams.
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9. to be in a relationship 交往
I’m in a relationship with Alex.
我跟 Alex 正在交往。
10. romance 戀情
They didn’t want anyone to know about their romance.
除了以上的單字,小 V 再補充一些浪漫的句子給大家:
There are 3 words that take one second to say, one hour to explain, but one lifetime to prove: I love you.
有三個字只需要一秒即可說出口,需要一小時來解釋,但需要一輩子來證明,那就是「我愛你」。Those who smile when you smile, are either fools, or someone who loves you dearly.
那些因為你笑他就笑的人,如果不是傻子,那就是真的很愛你。Spend life with who makes you happy, not who you have to impress.
選擇跟讓你快樂的人共度人生,而不是跟你必須取悅的人Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
情人眼裡出西施。We are destined to be together.
destiny (n.) 宿命
I am so into you.
我對你著迷。Whatever happens tomorrow, we’ve had today.
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文 / Summer Lin
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