VT 今天就要教你怎麼有禮貌地糾正人!
I’m afraid that’s not quite right.
afraid 在這邊不是害怕,而是恐怕的意思。
A: Dinosaurs went extinct about six million years ago.
A: 恐龍在六百萬年前滅絕。
B: I’m afraid that’s not quite right. I believe the extinction occured sixty-five million years ago.
B: 我覺得好像不太對,大滅絕應該是發生在六千五百萬年前。
Actually, I think you’ll find that…
actually 和 in fact 意思相同,也可以交替使用!
A: I’ve heard the movie “Ted” starring Matt Damon is funny.
A: 我聽說麥特戴蒙主演的電影《熊麻吉》很好笑。
B: Uh, actually, I think you’ll find that this film was starred by Mark Wahlberg.
B: 呃,事實上我想你會發現這部電影是馬克華伯格演的。
I’m afraid you’re mistaken.
mistake 是誤解的意思,這句話是「我恐怕你是搞錯/誤解了。」,比上面兩句都再強烈一點。
A: Who is in charge? I need to talk to him.
A: 誰是負責人?我要跟他談談。
B: I’m afraid you’re mistaken. This project isn’t conducted by our team.
B: 你恐怕搞錯了,這個企劃不是由我們團隊執行的。
I don’t think you’re right about…
A: I believe that we can profit a lot from this program.
A: 我相信我們可以從這個計畫獲得不少利潤。
B: Sorry to interrupt, but I don’t think you’re right about it. You’ve misjudged the recent situation of the market.
B: 很抱歉打岔,但我認為你在這件事上並不正確。你誤判了最近的市場情勢。
No, that’s all wrong.
A: According to this report, we need to adjust our operational policy.
A: 根據這份報告,我們必須調整營運方針。
B: No, that’s all wrong.
B: 不,那錯得離譜。
Where did you hear that?
A: I only eat one meal a day in hopes of losing some weight soon.
A: 我一天只吃一餐,希望可以快點瘦下來。
B: Where did you hear that? If you don’t exercise, you will easily gain weight.
B: 你聽誰說的?不運動的話,你會很容易復胖。
You’re talking rubbish.
rubbish 是垃圾的意思,整句意思即「你都在胡說八道」,是很強烈、無禮的說法。
A: What the hell are you talking about? You are talking rubbish!
A: 你到底在說什麼鬼東西?根本胡說八道!
B: Then you can get out of here.
B: 那你可以滾了。
看完了以上解說和例句,想知道怎麼正確的發音嗎?快來看看這部 Michelle 老師的講解影片!
(How to correct someone politely? Polite English Phrases (Free English Lessons))
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文/ Ruby Lu
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