◎「學習重點」-認識 “shotgun” 不同用法:
♦ 用法 1 :獵槍,滑膛槍,霰彈槍 (n.)
- a long gun that fires a large number of small metal bullets at one time, designed for shooting birds and animals.
Daniel was holding the shotgun in his strong hands.
(Daniel 當時用他健壯的手握著散彈槍。)
*自動霰彈槍:Automatic shotgun
*亂槍打鳥論證:shotgun argumentation
♦ 用法 2 :強迫的,被迫做的 (adj.)
- done against your wishes
He was reluctant to sign the shotgun agreement.
♦ 用法 3 :誰搶先說出口,嘿嘿……大獎落誰家!
- 搭私人轎車時,除駕駛之外的乘客中,誰先說出 “Shotgun!” ,就可以搶到副駕駛的位置!
“Shotgun!” Benjamin called as he jumped into the passenger side.
(Benjamin 邊跳進副駕駛的位置,邊大聲喊著:”Shotgun!”)
- 看到正妹(或帥哥)前先喊出 “Shotgun!” 的人,就有先開把的權力!
- 出去遊玩時,一進飯店誰先說出 “Shotgun!” 的人,就可以優先選最大或最佳或最喜歡床位噢!
♦ 用法 4 :喝光 (v.)
- Consume (a canned drink) in one go by puncturing the can, putting one’s mouth over the resulting hole, and then opening the can by means of the ring pull to produce a rapid flow
The people in the party had lots of fun by shotgunning beers.
如何快速喝光啤酒? (How to Shotgun a Beer )
◎「學習重點」-認識 “shotgun” 相關片語以及英文解釋:
◊ shotgun wedding / marriage:倉促結婚;或 奉子成婚
- decide to get married in a very short period of time, or
a marriage which is arranged very quickly and suddenly because the woman is pregnant
◊ ride shotgun:一段乘車中,保護駕駛的人;或 坐前座
- Travel as a guard next to the driver of a vehicle or
ride in the front passenger seat of a vehicle
◊ call shotgun:在一段車程中,主張坐前座的權力
- Claim the right to sit in the front passenger seat of a vehicle on a particular journey.
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• 文/Jenny Hsu
• 來源/Cambridge Dictionaries Online, Oxford Dictionaries, Urban Dictionary, yahoo dictionary, Yo! MOE 線上英文, 邦喻的天地書齋
• 作者簡介 VoiceTube 看影片學英語