慣用語 | 意思 | 例句 |
get down to business | 有言歸正傳,和開始工作、辦正事的意思。 | It’s already late. Let’s get down to business. 時間不早了,我們來談談正事吧! |
quite a bargain | bargain 有交易、買賣之意,所以quite a bargain 代表你進行了一場很不錯的買賣。 | It was quite a bargain! 還真划算! |
selling point | 意思是產品或服務的特色及賣點,不是賣出東西的時間點! | What are the selling points of your product? 你們產品的賣點是什麼呢? |
corner the market | corner 是角落的意思,如果一間公司佔據了市場每個角落,代表它壟斷市場或非常受歡迎。 | Our goal is to corner the market nationwide. 我們的目標是壟斷全球市場。 |
in the pipeline | 字面指「在輸送管中」,引申為事情已經在籌劃中或即將發生。 | More new products are in the pipeline. 還有更多商品正在推出當中。 |
second a motion | second在這裡當動詞,是贊同,motion是提案。所以second a motion就是附議。 | I second the motion. 我附議。 |
clinch a deal | clinch 當動詞有決定、確定的意思,因此clinch a deal 就是交易成立、拍板成交。 | His final proposal enabled us to clinch the deal. 他的最後提案讓我們終於能敲定這筆交易。 |
pick up the tab | 承擔所有的費用、付帳。 | Let me pick up the tab this time. 這次就讓我來買單吧。 |
a down payment | 第一筆交款,也就是頭期款的意思。 | She made a down payment of $200,000 for the house. 她買房的頭期款付了20萬元。 |
shelf life | 可以擺在架上的時間,也就是儲藏壽命、保存期。 | Shelf life : above 10 months 保存期:10個月以上 |
1. get down to business | (A) travel to work (B) start working |
2. quite a bargain | (A) a good deal (B) a bad deal |
3. selling point | (A) argument in favor of a product (B) sales level reached |
4. corner the market | (A) manage to enter the market (B) dominate an area of business |
5. in the pipeline | (A) currently in progress (B) under discussion |
6. second a motion | (A) put something in action (B) agree with a proposal |
7. clinch a deal | (A) put an end to discussions (B) reach an agreement |
8. pick up the tab | (A) pay the bill (B) notice the price |
9. a down payment | (A) a part of the total payment (B) a reduced payment |
10. shelf life | (A) use within a certain length of time (B) place for discarded objects |
答對 10 題:你真的是職場英文天才,小編甘拜下風!
答對 7~9 題:恭喜你獲得職場英語小達人封號!
答對 5~6 題:已經很不錯了,再多加油,相信你離成功不遠矣!
答對 0~4 題:別氣餒,只要把上面的文章多看熟,你也可以晉升為達人!
Answer: 1. (B) 2. (A) 3. (A) 4. (B) 5. (A) 6. (B) 7. (B) 8. (A) 9. (A) 10. (A)
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文/ Grace Wang
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